
Crisis Prevention

Whatever event leads to the crisis - the re­quire­ments for crisis man­age­ment are largely the same. There­fore, it is pos­sible to be pur­pose­fully pre­pared for avoid­ing crises or cop­ing withg them.

If you pre­pare your­self, you have enough re­sources to act ef­fect­ively in the event of an in­cid­ent. The re­source most likely to be lack­ing in the event of a crisis is time.

Crisis pre­ven­tion in­cludes risk ana­lys­is, the es­tab­lish­ment of a crisis man­age­ment team, a crisis man­age­ment hand­book, event com­mu­nic­a­tion con­cepts, staff and de­ploy­ment ex­er­cises, as well as com­mu­nic­a­tion and media train­ing. We ad­vise and sup­port you in the pre­par­a­tion of your com­pany for emer­gen­cies - in order to avoid crises or min­im­ize their im­pact.

Crisis Management-Check
Crisis Management Exercises